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Wake up Europe!


European Parliament a Bruxelles

Press release

Merkel Visit, Blitz of the Frankfurt Movement’s guys at European Parliament. "Wake up Europe!"

Blitz of the Frankfurt Movement’s guys at European Parliament during the visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Brussels.

At the end of the workshop "Wake up Europe" on the issue of youth unemployment, promoted by Vice President of the European Parliament Roberta Angelilli, when Angela Merkel was crossing corridor, the Frankfurt Movement’s guys, manifested giving her proposals for a "European pact for young people.”
"Only rigor and austerity 'are mortifying the European economy with a severe impact on employment levels, particularly amongst young people. In fact, the unemployment rate among people under 25 exceeded 50%, in some States "said Vice-President of  European Parliament Roberta Angelilli.
"We asked MEPs a real commitment on four points: an investment package to boost youth employment, defence and implementation of the Erasmus program, access to credit for young entrepreneurs and involvement of youth organizations in the process legislative decision-making, "declares the Frankfurt Movement’s guys.
The event was preceded by a workshop on youth unemployment which was attended by MEPs from the European People's Party who signed the "four commitments for a European Pact for youth."
Among the participants: Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio (Spain), Elena Băsescu (Romania), Georgios Papanikolaou (Greece), Nuno Melo (Portugal), Heinz K. Becker (Austria), Danuta Jazlowiecka (Poland), Erminia Mazzoni, Mario Mauro, Carlo Fidanza and Antonio Cancian (Italy)

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